Curriculum Vitae
Detailed CV (PDF)Research
- from 01/2023
- Associate professor (universitetslektor) at the Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA), Linköping University
- 2021—2023
- Assistant professor at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University
- Member of the Jönköping AI Lab (JAIL)
- 2019—2021
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
- Member of the CoAStaL NLP Group
- Project: Morphologically-Informed Representations for Natural Language Processing (MorphIRe)
- 2018
- Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
- Member of the CoAStaL NLP Group
- Supervisor: Anders Søgaard
- 2011—2017
- Research assistant at the Linguistics Department, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Supervisor: Stefanie Dipper
- Funded through the research projects St. Anselmi Fragen an Maria, Reference Corpus Early New High German (ReF), and Reference Corpus Middle High German (ReM)
- from 2023
- Course coordinator for “Text Mining”, “Language Technology”, and “Language & Computers” at Linköping University
- 2022
- Course developer for “Natural Language Processing and Text Mining” and “Data Science Programming”, Jönköping University
- 2021–2022
- Course coordinator for “State of the Art in AI Research”, Jönköping University
- 2013–2015
- Seminars on “Aspects of natural language generation” and ”Non-standard language data”, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Awards & Grants
- 2021
- Best Paper Award at EACL for “Error Analysis and the Role of Morphology”
- 2019
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (MSCA-IF), Grant No. 845995
- 2013
- Best Student Thesis Award, German Society for Computational Linguistics & Language Technology (GSCL)
- 2013—2018
- PhD (Dr. phil.) in Computational Linguistics, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Supervisor: Stefanie Dipper)
- 2009—2012
- Master of Arts (M.A.) in Linguistics (with focus on Computational Linguistics), Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- 2004—2009
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Mathematics and Linguistics (with focus on Computational Linguistics), Ruhr-Universität Bochum